Dedicated to all the Nummie Yummy things we make and eat!
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
For one of my nieces birthday, she wanted me to make her a cake. So this is what I came up with :)
When she was a little girl, she woke up from a nap and her name was Bingo...
She would not answer by any other name for years...
I have been married it seems forever. (I mean that in a good way :). I can't imagine life without my hubby, Lloyd. He is my best friend, companion, my heart....
We have a son and a daughter, both grown and living on their own in opposite ends of the country. We have a large extended family whom we love and are close to.
I'm a homebody by nature. I love being at home with my family or by myself ;). I enjoy learning new things whether it is a new skill or taking a class on-line or at the community college, it doesn't matter. Someday I might even graduate :). I was born and raised in the city and now I'm living in the country.
The best thing in my life is family! Every last nutty one of them. Life wouldn't be the same without them.
My house is rarely spotless, and usually chaotic, but it is always full of love for those who enter. Life is an adventure. We make it what it is. I want mine to be a "WAHOOOO what a ride"!
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