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Thursday, May 28, 2009

I know it's been awhile since I posted anything...Ugh how time flies by! Here are some of the things I have been working on this spring...

One of those spur of the moment cakes :)
Cami is a long time friend of the family. She like
Pineapple and Coconut so I thought of her when I
decided to make a Pina-Colada cake below...

Made the same time as the above cake for a Relief Society Party...

Britni's Dogwood cake...

Tinkerbell and fairy cake for Tiggy's party.

First Topsy Turvey/Wacky Cake...
It reminds me of the cake from Disney's Sleeping Beauty before the fairy's got their wands out.

Garthy always wants something fun. His lochness monster for his 16th b-day

Notice the Tiggy finger marks? She couldn't wait :)

Xbox cake...Not bad for never actually seeing a real one :P

Spring/Easter Time... These sugar eggs were fun. My Mom had made some for us kids when we were little.

High School Musical Birthday...
(I hate when I misspell and don't catch it!)


Anonymous said...

they all look so cool. I think I'm coming to you for all my cakes in the future.

Baldwin Fam said...

I still think Tigi's cake was the most awesome one you've made yet!