The second cake was for our Karate Sensei. My husband has been taking karate with Sensei since the late 1980's. He is a great guy and really devotes his time and talents to helping others. I like to try to do something for him on his birthday, which is also Veterans Day.
This year along with the new technique I wanted to try a new flavor. The cake was Pina-Colada flavor. It was pretty yummy. I also learned that when you are going to do a transfer with wording, remember to mirror image it. My first attempt ended up back wards :). Overall the cake was a good. I still need more practice on the transfers to satisfy I'm still having problems writing on cakes. That is really frustrating me! Oh well they say practice makes perfect. :)

Sensei James Tawatao - Las Vegas Shotokan Karate
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